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Board members standing outside in front of a school bus holding a Wildflower Montessori banner


Ofertas de trabajo

Las escuelas Wildflower son comunidades de emprendedores, visionarios y cuidadores de todos los ámbitos de la vida. Para postularse para cualquiera de nuestros puestos disponibles, complete el formulario a continuación o envíenos un correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico que se encuentra en el pie de página. Incluya el nombre de los puestos, así como su currículum y carta de presentación.

WMPSC Board of Directors

WMPSC Board members co-create charter microschools with Wildflower Teacher Leaders and the communities the schools will serve. As charter design team members, we are clearing the path for neighborhood schools that offer authentic Montessori learning environments with a deep lens towards social justice and equity. The Founding Board is committed to navigating Colorado’s public education ecosystem to operationalize our independent network of microschools through connecting with communities, policymakers, authorizers, funders, and influencers in the local and state-wide educational policy and innovation spaces. This action-oriented governance body lays the groundwork for moving WMPSC’s charter vision to reality, creating the conditions for our Teacher Leaders to found and lead high fidelity Montessori micro-schools in partnership with historically marginalized communities across Colorado. 


Learn more about the Board's role here.


Interested? Contact us at to start the conversation.


¡Gracias por enviar!

Learn from Wildflower Teacher Leaders

Teacher Leader stories graphic showing Helen Boluna and Marion Geiger
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