Our Vision
We envision a diverse network of community-embedded schools that are led by Teacher Leaders, that are co-created with our families, and that enable all children to cultivate their unique identities and gifts in pursuit of their fullest potential as individuals and contributors to a more just world.
Our Mission
The mission of Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado (WMPSC) is to provide an authentic Montessori education that bridges academic outcomes and social emotional development across vibrant, one-of-a-kind learning environments deeply rooted in place, community, and a sense of belonging.

Our Network
WMPSC Aurora is a free, public charter school authorized by the Colorado Charter School Institute. At full growth, WMPSC Aurora will serve 225 preschool and elementary school children through grade 6 at multiple microschool sites. Aurora's first micro-school site, Mountain Juniper Montessori, opened in September 2023 in the Utah Park neighborhood of Aurora, serving students in preschool and Kindergarten. Wildflower Montessori schools are free and open to all eligible students in our area, but since we are small we have a limited number of available spots. Student Services to support all learners at our sites include serving IEP's, multi-language learners, gifted and talented, READ plans, 504, and other accommodations as needed.
Grand Valley
WMPSC Grand Valley will serve 150 preschool and elementary children through grade 6 at multiple microschool sites. WMPSC Grand Valley is authorized through the Colorado Charter School Institute.
The Grand Valley's first microschool site, Cactus Bloom Community School, will open in Grand Junction, to serve PreK-3rd grade in the fall of 2024 and grow through 6th grade. Wildflower Montessori schools are free and open to all eligible students in our area, but since we are small we have a limited number of available spots.Student Services to support all learners at our sites include serving IEP's, multi-language learners, gifted and talented, READ plans, 504, and other accommodations as needed.